Em, Laney, Izzy's friend Taylor & Izzy having fun at Rob's game!
Oh & Aspen too!!!

Drew, Meagan, & Viv

The Johnson's made signs (So cute!)
To see more of their picks

Nana & Aspen watching the game!

The "big" girls walking back from getting popcorn.

Aspen only wanted his Daddy after the game!

Chatting w Jon & Aunt EO after the game!

Then Saturday Q played at 10:30am.
He scored 2 goals!
Way to go Q!!!

Then at 11am
Izzy played
She is a stellar goalie!!!
Go Iz!!!

Rob & Q watching Iz save lots of goals!!!!

We came home after soccer
& Rob picked this beauty from our garden!

16 inches

26 inches around

It was so yummy!!!


Iz & Max winding down before bed!!!