Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Watching paint dry, I mean softball...

Izzy (in the tie dye)
playing 1st base

The boys wrestling while Izzy practices
Tickle Fest!

Happy Wednesday!!!

He is so busy lately,
it is hard to get a good photo of him!
I had to wake him up to go get the big kids at the end of the drive : (
So I had to capture his peacefulness!!
Eating chicken fried rice at 8:30am
because his mom is prego
& that is what she was having!
We got out Q's bean bag!
He loved it!!!
I could eat him up!!!
I love him sooo....
Happy Wednesday!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pictures from today


Here are my identical twin boys (6yrs a part!)

Quinn was super excited that I brought the boys the same shirt
San Fran!

They are completely matching!!!
They have white long sleeve t's under their matching t's,
jeans, white socks with a gray tip, & brown shoes!!!

It's the little things!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last day of Spring Break 2011

Grandpa Klatte & Aspen reading
The kids having a little snack picnic

Rob tilled my garden beds
I am ready to plant my seeds!!!
Iz & Aspen watching the burgers cook
Our grill pooped out
so Rob decided to grill them this way!
Master Griller!
Roasting marshmellows for smores!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Aspen's new obsessions!

Being outside!!!
No matter what the temp is!!!
He absolutely LOVES the outdoors!!!
Playing with sticks!
Did I mention he loves sticks?
Sticking out his lower lip?!
Not sure what that is all about???

Opening doors...

His Owl Hat!
his boots, books, & any type of ball!
My current obsessions are naps & any type of sugar!!!!!
Happy Saturday!!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011


It is officially Spring!!!
(my infamous dough bowl that gets decorated every holiday/season)

Even though
this is the temp today...
We are supposed to get snow tonight?!

I made these for my hubby
because they are his favorite
mine too!!!
Oops, I just ate 3 in a row!!!

Since it is Spring
I decided to do a little decorating
(Easter M&M's in a bowl)
the one that I am most proud of....
Starburst jellybeans in my berry bowl!!!
Happy Spring Weekend!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Home Sweet Homestead

It is always fun to travel....
And even more fun to come home!!!
(I have always been a homebody!)
After 4 days, Aspen looks like he is 20 yrs old to me!
This is what my amazing husband did while I was gone...
(Among many other things!)
Thanks to Nana & Rob for everything
they did that allowed me to get away for a few days!
Freshly mulched yard!

Aspen is currently napping,
but obsessed
with this truck, outside, & sticks!!!
It must be Siesta at The Homestead!!!

I am in denial about the high of tomorrow (30's)
... and several days to follow
So I will just enjoy today!
And hope that my tulips make it!
Sooo excited for our garlic!
And now I will enjoy my welcome home gift from my sweet Hubby!!!
There's No Place Like Home!!!