Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Boys

This is what we did today!
Hung out!
Just the boys!
Izzy is at Gigi's for a girl's weekend...
It's been fun!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

7th Snow Day This Year

Our back view is magical!

Aspen ~The Missionary
The kids were pretending that Aspen was a missionary
travelled all over the world to help people
That made this Mama
sooo happy!!!
He travelled to Libya, Egypt, Cambodia, Nigeria,
New York City, Florida
(I am sure I am missing a few)
The kids came up with the destinations all by themselves
It made my day!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

King of the castle!

When Daddy is gone
during the day
This is who is King of the castle!
Here he is holding his Queen!
And blowing kisses to all of his fans
the paparazzi
Can you tell that we have not left the house all week???

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A boy & his cookie

Dog beds & blocks

Aspen enjoying some Goldfish
on everyone's favorite dog bed!
It cracks me up!!!
I recommend that everyone gets one of these!
Even if you don't have a dog!!!

Quinn got out these oldies but goodies!!!
Max was having fun too!
Iz & Q
were frustrated
that Aspen kept knocking over their creations
So they decided to pretend that he was a monster
destroying their castle!!!
We have had these blocks for 7 years
they are still a blast!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rainy Monday at The Homestead...

Back in the swing of things!

Aspen's new word.
Poor guy has had his picture taken sooo much!
He looks sooo big in this picture!
Still can't walk in the rain boots very well!
His favorite thing to do!
Daddy's too, I'm sure!
Busy, busy, busy!!!
Happy Monday!!!
First week of feeling better!
Back in the swing of things!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lazy Weekend!

Daddy picked out my outfit
it actually matches
is cute!
Sunday morning...
There goes my Spring Fever out the door!!!
sleet/rain mix today...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Always have a lemon!

The lemon tree that I got for my birthday is blooming!!!
My mom always says you should always have a fresh lemon.
Hopefully I will now!!
Spring is coming
so is the MUD!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

EO's Baby Girl

Allie Anuhea VanPaemel was born on Saturday, February 5th
Congrats Mark & EO!!!!

My garden seeds have arrived!!!

I am so excited that my garden seeds arrived today!!!
We ordered all of our seeds from

I can't wait for Spring!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our little professionals!

Our Vet...
Check out her dog in her pocket!
Our Pro Baseball player!
So cute!
Hot mess???
Max is our professional sleeper!!!

Let the climbing begin...

Aspen is officially a climber!
He bumps his noggin about 100x's a day : (
Today is career day at school
I wanted to get a picture of the kids
but ran out of time this morning
I said to Iz that I would get it when the get home
she said
"Mom, we will probably be a hot mess by then!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Love!!!

This is what My Love gave me!
I love him lots!!!
This is what Izzy made at cooking class...
After Iz & Rob tried them

Our sweet friend Lauren & kiddos made these delicious cookies.
We had already monged them before the picture.
I should have taken a picture before we unwrapped them.
They looked like they jumped right out of a magazine!

Rob brought this home from work
Hope you had some sugar, sweets, or love today!!!