Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Break 2013!

No, just a ton of snow
the stomach flu...
 he is mini Rob...
 so is he!!!

 Mama trying to stay sane...

All things considered,
Life is good!!!!

The Spring Blizzard of 2013

Nanuk was in her element!!!
 Our poor pine trees were doubled over!
 This is what Kenai thought about it!
 She just wanted to play!

 Aspen contemplating his navel!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Spring 2013!

a dear friend made this 
adorable peeps bunting
for me
a few years ago
i love it!!!
(i miss you e!)

this is one of my favs
from my beloved store

this was a birthday gift from 
a sweet friend from high school
it is so cute 
every season!

here is the temp
on the first day
of spring!
Happy Spring!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

A Scott Family Reunion

My Brood at Nana's

I was in the way back w Q 
got the pleasure of watching
Koda Bear 
on our way to Richmond

 in the car

Rob decided to get
Nana's family together
since it has been
something like
20 years
since they were all 
in the same place!

It was great fun!!!
who doesn't love 
Cracker Barrell???

It is good to be home!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Kentucky Adventure!

I have had a nutty March so far...

So we decided to take 
a last minute
family adventure

To Nana's House!

We woke up this morning
took a family hike!

Izzy spotted this heart shaped stone!

 I spy Aspen!

It was good for all 6 of our souls!!!!